
This paper lays out the rationale for building a completely new operating system (OS) stack. Rather than build on a single node OS together with separate cluster schedulers, distributed filesystems, and network managers, we argue that a distributed transactional DBMS should be the basis for a scalable cluster OS. We show herein that such a database OS (DBOS) can do scheduling, file management, and inter-process communication with competitive performance to existing systems. In addition, significantly better analytics can be provided as well as a dramatic reduction in code complexity through implementing OS services as standard database queries, while implementing low-latency transactions and high availability only once.


January, 2022


  • athinagoras Skiadopoulos
  • Lalith Suresh
  • Qian Li
  • Peter Kraft
  • Kostis Kaffes
  • Daniel Hong
  • Shana Mathew
  • David Bestor
  • Michael Cafarella
  • Vijay Gadepally
  • Goetz Graefe
  • Jeremy Kepner
  • Christos Kozyrakis
  • Tim Kraska
  • Michael Stonebraker
  • Matei Zaharia




Proc. VLDB Endow.