Sujata and Radhika made the 2020 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Nominees!
...and their work on "FairLedger: A Fair Blockchain Protocol for Financial Institutions"
Congratulations to Nadav Amit, Michael Wei and Vijay Chidambaram for winning Best Paper awards at ATC 2018.
ACM (SIGARCH) and IEEE (TCCA) have awarded Aasheesh the inaugural Outstanding Dissertation Award in computer architecture.
Title: Protocol-Aware Recovery for Consensus-Based Storage
"Black-box Concurrent Data Structures for NUMA Architectures" has been bestowed the significant honor of 2017 SIGPLAN Research Highlight Paper.
This issue can be accessed at the ACM Digital Library.
VMware Researcher Leonid Ryzhyk and friends wrote a HotOS '17 paper titled "System Programming in Rust: Beyond Safety".
vCorfu: A cloud-scale object store on a shared log
Congratulations Irina, Marcos, Sid and Mahesh!
Application Crash Consistency andPerformance with CCFS
"Agile Paging: Exceeding the Best of Nested and Shadow Paging” by Jayneel Gandhi, has been accepted as an IEEE Micro Top Pick of the year 2016!
The Many Faces of Consensus, posted on The Morning Paper, January 2017.
See link ..
Founded in September 2016.
Good luck Ittai, Guy, Yotam, and Isaac!