Research Intern

Home Office, NH, USA

I design algorithms. I've worked in distributed computing, AGT, ML, and crypto. My current work focuses on designing efficient data structures.

Siddhartha Jayanti is a fourth year PhD student at MIT, advised by Julian Shun. His research has spanned shared memory algorithms, algorithmic game theory, machine learning, and cryptography. Siddhartha got a Masters from MIT, where his thesis was advised by Costis Daskalakis. He did his undergraduate studies at Princeton, where his thesis was advised by Robert Tarjan. As an undergraduate, Siddhartha was a recipient of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, and a Channels Scholarship from NSF's Center for Science of Information. His undergraduate thesis on shared-memory algorithms for the Concurrent Disjoint Set Union data structure received the Outstanding Computer Science Senior Thesis Prize from the Princeton CS department, The Calvin Dodd Maccracken Senior Thesis/Project Award from Princeton's school of engineering and applied sciences, and was Runner-Up for CRA's Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award. Siddhartha was a recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, and is currently funded by a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship.
