Research Scientist

Palo Alto, CA, US

My goal is to advance the theory and practice of resource-efficient data structures and employ them to democratize large-scale data analyses.

Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Computer Science Department at Berkeley Lab working with Prof. Aydin Buluc and Prof. Katherine Yelick. Prior to that, I spent one year as a Postdoc Associate at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University working with Prof. Carl Kingsford. I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Stony Brook University, and defended my dissertation, Fast and Space-Efficient Maps: Shrinking Big Data Down to Size. At Stony brook University, I was co-advised by Prof. Michael Bender and Prof. Rob Johnson. (Dissertation committee: Mike Ferdman, Rob Patro, Guy Blelloch.)

I love outdoors and occasionally like to scribble my experience in a blog.

For more information please checkout my personal webpage.

