Affiliated Researcher

Champaign, IL, USA
I am an Affiliated Researcher with VMware Research Group and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. My research interests are in distributed systems, storage and file systems. I co-direct the Distributed And Storage Systems Laboratory (DASSL) at UIUC. At DASSL, we focus on rethinking systems for emerging hardware, building new distributed protocols for modern environments, and leveraging ML to improve system performance. My recent research addresses the fundamental tradeoff between strong consistency and performance in distributed storage systems. My work on distributed storage reliability has exposed many severe bugs in popular distributed systems. Ideas from my research on corruption-tolerant replication are implemented in a financial database. My work has appeared in top systems venues such as OSDI, SOSP, and FAST and has been recognized with best-paper awards at FAST 20 and FAST 18 and a best paper award nomination at FAST 17. I was selected for the Rising Stars in EECS workshop and a recipient of Facebook 2019 PhD Fellowship. I also received the graduate student instructor award for teaching distributed systems at UW Madison. I earned my PhD in Computer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, working with Prof. Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau and Prof. Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau. Prior to starting my Ph.D., I was a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research India in the Mobility, Networks, and Systems group. Before that, I graduated with a master’s degree from Indian Institute of Technology – Bombay. Learn more here.