An open-source simulator based on OMNeT++ for Heterogeneous Network-on-Chips.
We present HNOCS (Heterogeneous Network-on-
Chip Simulator), an open-source NoC simulator based on
OMNeT++. To the best of our knowledge, HNOCS is the first
simulator to support modeling of heterogeneous NoCs with
variable link capacities and number of VCs per unidirectional
port. The HNOCS simulation platform provides an open-source,
modular, scalable, extendible and fully parameterizable
framework for modeling NoCs. It includes three types of NoC
routers: synchronous, synchronous virtual output queue (VoQ)
and asynchronous. HNOCS provides a rich set of statistical
measurements at the flit and packet levels: end-to-end latencies,
throughput, VC acquisition latencies, transfer latencies, etc. We
describe the architecture, structure, available models and the
features that make HNOCS suitable for advanced NoC
exploration. We also evaluate several case studies which cannot
be evaluated with any other exiting NoC simulator.